The diagram above is the stage layout for the CQB classifier
Classifiers rank competitors in dynamic shooting disciplines. Classifiers play a role in dynamic shooting similar to the role the handicap system plays in golf. Classifiers recognize capability and they provide a way for competitors to see how they rank against other competitors.
Tactical shooting classifiers need some things that other dynamic disciplines don’t require. Tactical shooting classifiers should have the following characteristics:
Challenging but not extreme shooting that allows competitors to “go fast”
Stressed and unstressed shooting
A work component
Weapons and gear manipulation
Transition between weapons
Shooting from multiple positions than one position
The Sawmill and Sawmill Showdown are teaming up to create two classifiers for tactical shooting disciplines. The CQB Classifier and the Marksman classifier will be used for the first time (pending some last minute logistical challenges) at the Sawmill Showdown this weekend and then again at the Tactical Trainup in June at the Sawmill.
We are creating an online repository of scores that will let you see how you rank against other tactical competitors. We are also putting these classifiers into the public domain and we hope that other tactical shooting event organizers will make them available at their events.
That is enough introduction, I think. Below are the classifiers.
Sawmill Tactical Trainup Classifiers
Tactical Trainup classifiers are used to rank competitors. Initially, five rankings are available:
Prime – Aggregate of classifier scores ranks athlete in 80thth percentile or higher
Tactical Athlete – Aggregate of classifier scores ranks athlete in 50th percentile or higher
Tactical – Aggregate of classifier scores ranks athlete in 25th percentile or higher
Classified – Has completed the classifiers and has an aggregate score
Unclassified – Has not completed the classifiers
CQB Classifier
Competitor can run multiple times if available– must get back in line after each repetition. First time through shooters get priority.
Paper IDPA targets at 10, 15, 25 yards, Table at shooting point
Shot timer, pasters, A shooting line marked with tape or paint – Both feet must behind the shooting line when engaging targets.
Work Component
The work component occurs between the unstressed (first) round and the second (stressed) round. See below for the work componenbt.
Loadout and Starting Position
1x three-round rifle magazine, 1x nine-round rifle magazine, 2x nine-round pistol magazine
Start in box of shooters choice with rifle loaded with 3-round mag (round in chamber, weapon on safe, secured on sling), pistol loaded with 9-round magazine, in holster, in safe status
Start is unloaded rifle on table, loaded pistol, hands comfortably at side, cannot be holding rifle magazine in hand
Timer Start Signal
Pick up and load rifle with three-round magazine
One head shot each with rifle (A-Zone) on 10, 15, and 25 yard targets from standing shooting position. Rifle should be at slide lock. Drop magazine.
Stage safe rifle on table with no magazine after showing clear chamber and safety on to RSO. Rifle will be completely cleared off the range at the end of the classifier.
Draw pistol.
Pistol 3 rounds 10 yds in A Zone
Pistol 3 rounds 15 yds in A Zone
Pistol 3 rounds 25 yds in A Zone. Pistol should be at slide lock (some pistols may not lock the slide back). Clear pistol (empty chamber, slide forward, pull trigger).
Holster the clear and safe pistol.
Perform the work component and return to shooting box.
Draw and load pistol with one 9-round magazine.
Pistol 3 rounds 10 yds in A Zone
Pistol 3 rounds 15 yds in A Zone
Pistol 3 rounds 25 yds in A Zone
Mandatory reload on rifle
3 rounds headshot (A Zone) at 10 yard target from standing shooting position
3 rounds headshot (A Zone) at 15 yard target from standing shooting position
3 rounds headshot (A Zone) at 25 yard target from standing shooting position
Time stops on last shot
RSO clears shooter – Shooter secures weapons, show clear each weapon, drop trigger, reholster/sling
RSO and shooter score and reset lane with pasters
Work Component
Dumbell Burpees with Throw
Men: 50 lb dumbbell
Women: 35 lb dumbbell
Dumbell is on the ground
Do a burpee and bring the dumbbell back up with you. Dumbbell must be in a rack position as the athlete performs the upward motion front squat after they do the burpee, when standing up, and when launching it with both hands coming out of the squat.
Throw the dumbbell in front of you as far as you can. Kettlebell swing throws are a procedural penalty (30 seconds). Happy Gilmore throws are 2x Procedural (60 seconds).
Move to the dumbbell and repeat for the prescribed distance.
Perform the second sequence in the classifier.
Pistol A-Zone is either torso A-Zone or Head A-Zone
Rifle – A-Zone is Head A-Zone
Hits are inside the A-Zone or break the perforation.
Raw time plus 5 second penalty for each miss plus any other penalties.
Marksman Classifier
Competitor can run multiple times if available– must get back in line after each repetition. First time through shooters get priority.
Paper IDPA targets at 25, 50, and 100 yards
Steel Targets - 12 inch plate at 15 yards and 18 x 24 inch plate at 20 yards
Shooting positions (marked by a painted line or taped line or board)
Loadout and Starting Position
2x nine-round rifle magazine, 2x ten-round pistol magazine
Starting position is standing behind the shooting position line. Pistol unloaded and holstered. Dry rifle staged on ground (mat) at shooting position. Magazines stowed – no magazines in hand.
Timer Start Signal
Move to prone unsupported firing position behind shooting line. No part of shooters body can be forward of the shooting line. Magazines may not be used for support. Use of a magazine for support is a procedural penalty (30 seconds).
In prone position, load a 9 round rifle magazine
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 25 yard target
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 50 yard target
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 100 yard target
Drop magazine. Rifle should be at slide lock. Show clear chamber to RSO and put rifle on safe. Stow rifle in safe condition on mat/ground.
Come to standing position and draw pistol and load a ten round pistol magazine
From standing position, 5 rounds from weapon of last resort (pistol) on 15 yard target
From standing position, 5 round pistol on 20 yard target
Pistol should be at slide lock (some pistols may not lock back). Clear pistol (empty chamber, slide forward, pull trigger).
Reholster a safe and dry pistol
Perform the work component. See below for work component by division.
In prone position, load a 9 round rifle magazine Magazines may not be used for support. Use of a magazine for support is a procedural penalty (30 seconds).
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 25 yard target
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 50 yard target
3 rounds in torso A-Zone of 100 yard target
Drop magazine. Rifle should be at slide lock. Show clear chamber to RSO and put rifle on safe. Stow rifle in safe condition on mat/ground.
Come to standing position and draw pistol and load a ten round pistol magazine
From standing position, 5 rounds from weapon of last resort (pistol) on 15 yard target
From standing position, 5 round pistol on 20 yard target
Pistol should be at slide lock (some pistols may not lock back). Clear pistol (empty chamber, slide forward, pull trigger).
Time stops on last shot
RSO clears shooter -- Secure weapons, show clear each weapon, drop trigger, reholster/sling
RSO and shooter score and reset lane with pasters
Work Component
Dumbell Burpees with Throw
Men: 50 lb dumbbell
Women: 35 lb dumbbell
Dumbell is on the ground.
Do a burpee and bring the dumbbell back up with you. Dumbbell must be in a rack position as the athlete performs the upward motion front squat after they do the burpee, when standing up, and when launching it with both hands coming out of the squat.
Throw the dumbbell in front of you as far as you can. Kettlebell swing throws are a procedural penalty (30 seconds). Happy Gilmore throws are 2x Procedural (60 seconds).
Move to the dumbbell and repeat for the prescribed distance.
Perform the second sequence in the classifier.
Pistol – Hit on steel (Repaint between competitors)
Rifle – A-Zone is Torso A-Zone
Hits are inside the A-Zone or break the perforation.
Raw time plus 5 second penalty for each miss plus any other penalties.
The diagram below is the stage setup diagram for the Marksman classifier.