Land Navigation at the Sawmill FTX
Why does a tactical competition have a land navigation event?
The Sawmill FTX includes a land navigation event. Why does a tactical competition include a land navigation event that counts for points?
If you can’t get there, nothing else matters.
This is true for tactical situations and for many non-tactical situations. There are still regions where smartphones (with their built-in GPS) don’t work. And, batteries fail when you need them most. Land navigation is a useful skill.
The FTX land navigation event is a test of basic land navigation skills. The skills tested are map reading, plotting, compass skills, and route selection. Those skills will be taught in the train-up. See the bottom section for the links to the FTX and to the train-up sessions.
FTX Land Navigation Exercise
The land navigation exercise is conducted in FTX full kit (rucksack, rifle, gear belt, and pistol). The land navigation route has a start/finish (SF) point and three navigation points. The total route distance is approximately one mile or slightly less. The time cap to complete the route is one hour.
At the Sawmill FTX, land navigation begins promptly at 1030 with movement to the start/finish (SF) point. On arrival at the SF point, the competitor is given a route card. A sample route card is shown below. The start time is recorded on the route card.
The competitor may navigate the points in any order. Each point has a unique punch. On arrival at the point, the competitor will punch the route card and then navigate to their next point until they arrive back at the SF point.
A sample route is shown below. This sample route shows a different route than the sample route card.
The competitor may use any appropriate land navigation technique (e.g., dead reckoning, attack points, terrain association, The only navigation aids allowed are map, compass, protractor, and a provided aerial view of the course. Use of a GPS in any form is not allowed.
The competitor will carry a smartphone running the ITAK tracking system for safety.
On arrival at the SF point after finishing the course, the finish time is recorded and the competitor returns to the Sawmill lodge/office area. 1200 is a required NLT arrival time at the Sawmill lodge/office area.
Sawmill FTX Coordinating Instructions
This section has information about the Sawmill FTX and the train-up classes.
December 30th Class Link:
January 4th Class Link :
Sawmill FTX Link:
FTX Description
Tactical Shooting and Fitness Competition on 7 January 2024
The Sawmill FTX is a tactical shooting and fitness competition and just a wee bit of a skills competition. Your fitness and shooting will be tested as you prepare for and execute a high-value hostage rescue mission.
Doubleheader Opportunity: Add the Sawmill Showdown Team Event on Saturday January 6th to make it a weekend. You can register for The Sawmill Showdown on Practiscore at this link:
Logistical Information:
Participants in the Sawmill FTX will work out of their rucksack for the entire competition. Adding realism to the competition; gear, ammunition, food, and comfort items will move with the competitor throughout the competition. Water will be resupplied by the Sawmill.
Navigation and basic medical skills are utilized in the Sawmill FTX in addition to tactical shooting and fitness. Classes for the (limited) skills required will be offered ahead of the competition. Check the Sawmill training calendar for dates.
For safety and for scoring, each participant will utilize the ITAK tracking system (smartphone app for iphone and Android). Instructions will be provided ahead of time and assistance will be available at the match.
Class Description (Same description for both dates, December 30th 2023 and January 4th, 2024)
This class is open to all.
This class will cover basic land navigation and a few basic medical tasks. It is a basic land navigation class as well as preparation for the Sawmill FTX on 7 January 2024.
Sawmill FTX competitors who have not had previous land navigation training nor basic medical training will find it especially useful. Basic land navigation concepts, techniques and practices will be taught. The land navigation part of the class will include a practical exercise. A few basic medical tasks that may be required in the Sawmill FTX will also be taught.
Bring a compass if you have one. We have compasses available for participants who don't have a compass. Maps and plotting scales will be provided.
Class Agenda:
Land Navigation Overview
Maps Explained
Terrain Features
Coordinate Systems, Locations, and Plotting
Azimuths, Bearings & Declination
Pace Count
Attack Points
Practical Exercise
Medical Tasks:
Check the Scene
ABC (Airway, Bleeding, Circulation)
Stop the Bleeding
Chest Wound
Broken Bone
Evacuation Request
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